This blog is for people who are impressed by atheism without being comfortable with it.
Instead of "atheism" I should write "physicalism" more precisely. Physicalists are convinced:
Everything that exists can be traced back entirely to physical causes.
Consciousness is a late by-product of complex matter.
When the brain is dead, there is no consciousness either. Life after death is out of the question.
Many people reject physicalism because they are firmly rooted in their religion. For them, I have nothing in store that they don't already have.
Others are convinced of physicalism to such an extent that they are certain: whatever speaks against physicalism must be wrong. They will find a lot of what I'm going to write here unworthy of consideration.
My blog is for people who want to overcome physicalism by scrutinizing it. To them, I offer arguments and facts that speak against physicalism. Also, I would like to show alternatives and open spiritual horizons. But I'm not a spiritual teacher.
I cannot confirm any specific religion here, not even my own. But where physicalism is weakened, faith is strengthened, whether within a faith community or as an open spirituality.
I appreciate physicalists. What they contribute, is highly valuable. No one examines the truth of religious and spiritual claims more thoroughly than they do.
No matter what your point of view is: I'm looking forward to an open and respectful exchange with you.
This blog is developing, I have started only recently. Feel free to check back from time to time.
You are very welcome here. I wish you a lot of joy and stimulating reading.